
This Event Is Now Closed.

Physical Impairment Classification Opportunity Sydney 8th October


Details about your upcoming classification opportunity:

Cost: There is no cost to attend classification opportunities.

Registration: Bookings are required in advance and limited places are available. Please complete the following application to be considered for classification

Contact: For further information please contact Matt Fowler at Athletics NSW E:  / P: 03 8646 4570

Location: VIP Rooms Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre - SOPAC


Do I need to return anything else with this form? Athletes must obtain a copy of a letter from their medical specialist (e.g. neurologist, rehabilitation specialist, orthopedic specialist) stating and outlining their diagnosis in addition to completing this form. Please ensure you bring a letter from your doctor to your classification, alternatively if you do not have a dr's letter you can complete the PI Medical Diagnostics Form.

What is the next step once I return this form? Athletics NSW will contact athletes who return this form will recieve an appointment time slot for the upcoming classification opportunity. If the opportunity is full at the time of completion athletes will be informed they are placed on a waiting list and be able to attend the next available classification.