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Workforce Development Team - Coaching


NSW Athletics Presenter Expression of Interest - Coaches

Help People Develop the Confidence to Contribute at a Level to which they Aspire


Are you:

  • wanting to inspire others in the Athletics industry?
  • keen to help develop the sport's coaching workforce?
  • committed to your own continuing professional development?


We are seeking passionate athletics coaches with relevant experience to apply to become part of our team that delivers our growing list of professional development workshops to coaches throughout NSW.

Presenters are matched with the workshops that most align with their skills, passion and personality and undergo a comprehensive induction for each workshop that they aspire to present.

Opportunities also exist for new workshops to be built around a presenter's specific skill and interests.



If you feel that you meet the NSW Athletics presenter criteria, please let us know by completing and submitting this Expression of Interest form.

If you are passionate about the prospect of becoming involved, but feel you don't quite yet meet the criteria, contact us to discuss what you can do about it (Darren Wensor 02 9633 4511, Ext 108; email

Please note: All prospective presenters must have relevant experience/training in engaging audiences as an educator, presenter, facilitator or public speaker, or be prepared to undertake such experience/training. 

All aspiring NSW Athletics presenters will map out an individualised development plan with a lead presenter. Once they have become a member of the team, all presenters enter a process of self-directed and prescribed ongoing professional development.