
2023-24 Change of Centre / Club

This portal is not intented for already financial members from the Summer season.

If you are changing Centre in preparation for the:

  1. Winter / Cross Country 2024 Season, your application must be submitted within this page, logging into a member profile. This process must be done prior to completing a financial registration for the intended season. 

During this process the following information will be collected:

  • Previous aligned Centre

  • New Centre / (Club if applicable*)

  • Email Address

  • Reasoning for change

  • Additional Family names / DOB if applicable

*The following Centre also require a club selection during the winter season: Knox

Returning members with a Club profile aligned to one of the following Centres;Bacchus Marsh, Coburg, Corio, Dandeong, Diamond Valley, Doncaster, Geelong, Whittlesea City will need to request to change their profile to align to the Centre (only)

Once your transfer has been completed you will receive a final confirmation e-mail referencing your new Centre / Club.

* Please note unless you are listed as a parent guardian in the registration profile, an account will not be updated for privacy reasons.